Friday, April 26, 2024



                        by Pastor Max Solbrekken, D.D.

  1. I walked one day along a country road,
    And there a stranger journeyed too,
    Bent low beneath the burden of His load:
    It was a cross, a cross I knew.
    • Refrain:
      “Take up thy cross and follow Me,”
      I hear the blessed Savior call;
      How can I make a lesser sacrifice,
      When Jesus gave His all?
  2. I cried, “Lord Jesus,” and He spoke my name;
    I saw His hands all bruised and torn;
    I stooped to kiss away the marks of shame,
    The shame for me that He had borne.
  3. “Oh, let me bear Thy cross, dear Lord,” I cried,
    And, lo, a cross for me appeared,
    The one, forgotten, I had cast aside,
    The one, so long, that I had feared.
  4. My cross I’ll carry till the crown appears—
    The way I journey soon will end—
    Where God Himself shall wipe away all tears,
    And friend hold fellowship with friend.

In my years of growing up, attending the Evangelical Lutheran Church, going to Daily Vacation Bible School and Confirmation Classes and living in a vibrant Christian home, the old hymnal was always in use! 

My mother was adament that  we should always pray before meals and usually have Bible reading and prayers after the evening meal. My Dad was also in favour and enjoyed reading the Holy Scriptures from the Norwegian Bible.

My Mother Anne Nikoline was seven year older than my Dad and was an on-fire born again lady. Her mother was a widow and later was remarried to Ole Hestekind and my mother was born. Shortly thereafter, her father left Norway for Saskatchewan together with his two brothers, Peter and Christian Heskin.

Anne looked after her mother and together with a half-brother they farmed and looked after their catttle and gardens. My mother was well educated and becamed learned in specialty cooking and how to prepare meals for large weddings and other gatherings! She was a wonderful singer and had became a violinist, pianist and guitarist, as well!


Then, sickness struck and progressed. My beautiful mother became weak and lost her ability to work. She had recurring fevers. Medical Science could not help her. And it seemed that there was nothing left but prayer! This continued for six years, then one day everything changed! 

By God's grace a gospel magazine arrived in their mailbox from Evangelists Storm and Monsen, inviting sick folks to the Betesda  Healing Home on the shores of North Sea, not far from the city of Oslo. 

My mother's brother transported Anne 21 kilometers to the 'railway stop' by horse and wagon, and onward to Oslo by train. She was taken to the Betesda Healing Home for a seven day Prayer Ministry and seeking God for Divine Healing!


For seven days all the guests heard the Word of God preached and continued in prayer and reading the Holy Bible. And they believed that they would be healed in Jesus' mighty Name. It was there that my mother received Jesus Christ as her personal Saviour!

My mother shared that on the sixth day in the evening a noise was heard as if someone was cluttering up and down the chimney. All the guests heard it beause it continued for hours, They were told that it happened regularly and that it was the devil trying to scare them but not to pay any attention to him because he was defeated at the Cross of Jesus and could not hurt them.

On the seventh day all the candidates dressed in white gowns and after much prayer and expectation were taken a few yards down to a special bathhouse that sloped down into the waters of the North Sea.


They were following the pattern of John 5: 2-3: "Now there is at Jerusalem by the sheep market a pool, which is called in the Hebrew tongue Bethesda, having five porches. 

"In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk of blind, halt, withered, waitng for the moving of the waters. 

"For an angel went down at a certain  season into the pool, and troubled the water; whosoever then first after the troubling of the water stepped in was made whole of whatsoever disease he had."  


The nurse handed the key of the Bathhouse to my mother. As she stood there reflecting on this great act of faith, she became very calm and she felt a warm hand on her shoulder. 

After everyone had gone inside and walked or were carried in, she litterly ran into the water and out again. She was instantly, perfectly and permantly healed. 

She took the train and walked 21 kilometers to her home!  To God be the Glory, great things he has done for us! News of my mother's healing spread far and wide in the State of Valdres and far beyound. This was a time of great rejoicing. 

How great is our God! How GREAT is His Name. He's the Only ONE forever the SAME, He rolled back the waters from the mighty red sea and He said, "I will HEAL you, put your Trust in Me"!  Halleluja to JESUS! Amen!


My father heard about the great miracle from his sister, and together with a comrade went to see her. When they arrived my mother and a friend were sitting  in the garden, enjoying the  beautiful warm weather.

As they engaged in conversation, My father said, "I have one question. Did you just get better naturally or did God heal you?" She stated that God had miraculously made her well, when there was no human help. Then she asked them, if they wanted to give their hearts to Jesus?


My father's family lived on a large farm with many acres of rich soil and stands of timber. My father took a course in automotives, and spent three years in the Norwegian Army, defending that nation. Later, Ingvar joined the Oslo Street Car  Company as a Street Car Conductor.

My Dad was vey intelligent and physically strong and had done some ski jumping until an unfortunate landing, where he broke an ankle. An interesting aside took place while he was being outfitted for his Street Car Conductor uniform!

My Dad instructed  us about what we might expect in the large cities and how to be aware of those who might harm us. We were all used to hard work on the farm in the 1930s and 1940s. 


We also made time for sports, with body building equitment and boxing gloves. We all learned to milk cows before going to school 2.5 miles away and later when we bought more land a half mile from Norquay. 

Even though I had my own bike, I loved to run to school, home for lunch and back to school, as well downtown to get the mail, three time a week. I supose that I was a trained runner because at age 17, I placed first in Saskatchewan's mens half-mile race for 1951.

As we were sitting near Dad to hear what he had learned in life he shared the following story. He warned us about strange men that usually hang around hotels and washrooms. We asked who these strange men were! He answered by sharing a personal account!

The Oslo Street Car Company required him to be outfitted in their special uniform. As the taillor was measuring him, he put his hand tightly over Dad's privates. Immediately, my Dad moved and asked sternly, "What are you doing? 

The tailor answered, "I am sorry, Mr. Solbrekken, but my hand slipped." My Dad said, "If your hand slips again, Mr. Tailor, Nobody will recognize your face!" The tailor promised, "My hand will not slip again". My Dad answered, "OK, we'll leave it at that." And he was able complete the measurement for my Dad's uniform! 

How fortunate to have had such leadership from my Dad! It makes you wonder how many 'Strange Men' there are in the world today, corrupting young men. The word 'strange'  in Norwegian is rarre, which could mean, not mentally normal!


Although my Dad was an engaging young man and had many friends, he was drawn repeatedly to see Anne, the young lady who had been miraculously healed by Jesus Christ Himself.

My mother was asked to sing the gospel at many events and also quite often to minister at a  local public school house as a blessing for the students there!

                MOM'S GREAT DEDICATION!

In a personal conversation with my Dad after Mom's death, he was still in awe of my mother's great dedication to Jesus Christ and her family! And her great love for him! He was stlll in awe of her great love and wisdom in family matters and how fortunate we all were for having such a marvellous person with us so long!

When I met my precious wife Donna I was taken with the similarity of how much she reminded me of my Mother. She has proved to be a wonderful example for our chldren and grandchildren. As the Holy Spirit filled my Mom and Dad with His gifts of love, peace  and Divine Healing, He is doing the same with us!


                   HONOURING MY PARENTS

       As the years come and go I find myself thinking about the good times I had growing up in a loving family with a precious mother and father who cared about our well being. Although we went through the depression of the 'thirties' we lived on the farm and had  enough food and plenty work to do.
     We all had our duties and didn't complain and that is the way we were raised. Getting up early to milk the cows before going to school was par for the course. Being the second youngest, I got off  easy with only one cow to milk. 
     Until my fifth grade we had 2 1/2 miles to go to school. In the summer we would ride our bikes or travel in a one horse buggy, and in the winter we would make own track  and all six of us would go single file on skis. Dad built a one-horse covered sleigh with a little heater to keep us warm on extra cold days. He made our skiis as well! 


   When my father had finished his 'three year tour in the Army' he became a conductor on the Oslo Street Car system. After some time, his father became ill and he had to go home to look after the farm.
    He enjoyed his work as a Street Car Conductor but was happy to be able to see Anne Hestikind again, because he was secretly falling in love with her, but was afraid to tell her. He felt drawn to her and visited her often. 
   Even though my mother was seven years older than my Dad, he asked for her hand in marriage but was refused unless he became a 'Personal Christian' (born again). He asked her to explain what it meant to be born again. After some time, he made a confession of faith. Later, they were married.
    My Mom and Dad owned a General Store in Etnedal, Norway and were doing well, however, word came to them about great opportunities in Canada. My grandfather had immigrated to Canada years earlier and was getting old. He wanted his daughter Anne, to have his quarter section farm land near Norquay, Saskatchewan.
    In 1927 the Solbrekkens embarked for Canada aboard the Bergenshaw.  Martin was two years old and Astrid six months. Traveling from Montreal to Saskatchewan on the Canadian National Railway, they were involved in a horrific train collision when two locomotives met head to head at top speeds in the dead of night, near Quebec City. 


  Many were killed and others injured.  My father suffered a broken neck and spent three weeks in a hospitable there.  It was a shocking entrance for them in their new Country!
      Dad was unable to work for two years and was awarded $750.00  from CNR with which he was able to buy a team of horses, some cattle, furniture, farm implements and an Model T. Mom and Dad were young and strong and toughed it out, and so life began on the farm four miles north of Norquay in the province of Saskatchewan. Four more children were born to Ingvar and Anne Solbrekken in the next 10 years; Mekkal, Fred, Emil and myself.
   For thirty years Dad had suffered with an infected gallbladder but being a farmer he couldn't find the time to have an operation. Finally, he ended up in the hospital. Many tests were taken and he was very concerned. He also suffered with a racing heart and anxiety. There were four men in the ward, when my Dad heard a voice in the Norwegian language saying, Go home and listen to Oral Roberts”.
     He looked around to see who had spoken to him, but he was the only Norwegian in the room. Again the Voice said, 'Ask the nurse to call Dr. Duncan to give him permission to go home, under his own regnezance.
My Dad was so weak he had to sit down in the ditch, by the road, but a taxi came by and took him to a hotel as he waited for the BUS to Norquay.

    My Mother was surprised when he returned. He said that God had spoken to him, to which she replied: “That is good. I have been praying for that for 35 years.” In his book 'My Experiences With God', my Dad wrote: “I continued to be very weak and sickly. One day I said to my wife, will take my Bible and start seeking God for a miracle healing in my body."
    My oldest son had sent me some Oral Roberts magazines which I hungrily read, together with my Bible. I would rise early and have my devotions. Faith began rising in my heart. How long this continued I can't quite remember but I do know that, I began to believe that God would heal me.
     One night I had a strange dream and in it I saw a 'Chariot of Fire' travelling at a terrific speed. I awakened and knew I had dreamed something supernatural. I asked my wife what it could mean. She had no answer to give me since we were Lutherans and had not had any real experiences with the Holy Ghost. My wife was a spiritual person, but besides being a Lutheran I was a “dead Lutheran”.
    A few nights later I had another dream. In this dream I was walking down a newly constructed road which ran east and west. It was a dry, rough road as it was still ungraded. I had a hard time to walk but I struggled on. Finally I came to a hill. I took a little rest before I tackled this hill. I wasn't sure that I could make it because it was very steep besides being rough. I kept pushing forward and finally made it.
     When I stood at the top of the hill I was very happy. There were no buildings, but there was a strong light there and many tall trees that seemed to almost smile down at me. I had such a wonderful feeling of joy and I was extremely happy. Just then a voice spoke to me and said, 'You will see greater things than these.' When I awakened I wondered in my soul what these things could mean.
     A week after this great experience, I was up early having my devotions and tuned in to hear the Oral Roberts radio broadcast. I had been reading my Bible a good deal and prayed much during the week in order to prepare myself for God's healing power. As Oral Roberts began to preach I sat very attentively listening to his sermon;
     He said, “If you want to know if God lives or not, lift your hands up toward Heaven and ask God to reveal Himself to you and show you if He lives or not.” In obedience I did exactly what the Man of God asked us to do. I did not hesitate but quickly raised my hands towards God and sincerely prayed, 'O God show me if You live or not.'                         Immediately, I felt God's power come down over me. It was like a charge of electricity coming down on my body. God's presence not only came upon my body but into my body, soul and mind. I became very afraid as I thought that I was dying. I felt my pulse but could feel nothing. The power of God was all over my body.
    As I was prostrate under the mighty power of God, I finally called out to my wife and said, God has healed me and filled me with the Holy Ghost.” My wife who was still in bed came running and said, “Papa, have you had a stroke?” 
     I answered, “No, Mama. I have not had a stroke, but I have been filled with the Holy Ghost.” I then asked my wife to open her Bible at random and wherever it falls open, put your finger on that verse and read it to me.
     Here is what she read, “Give ear, O ye Heavens and I will speak, and hear, O Earth, the words of My mouth, My doctrine shall drop as the rain, My speech shall distill as the dew, as the small rain upon the grass. 
    "Because I will publish the Name of the Lord, ascribe ye greatness unto our God. He is the Rock. His work is perfect for all His ways are perfect. For all His ways are judgment: O God of Truth and without iniquity, just and right is He.” (Deut.32: 1-4)

    One day I was sitting in the easy chair singing an old Norwegian Hymn and the Spirit of God was upon me. I was filled with great joy as I sang about the Church all over the world. I was lost in the Spirit and began singing different words with the same tune. Then I began to speak fluently in other tongues with great peace and joy.
    My wife was taking a little nap and came running, asking what had happened with me. I answered, “God has filled me with the Holy Ghost.” She answered, I have been a christian all my life and I don't have this. And you have been a backslider.”I asked my wife to read Isaiah 28: 11, 12.
    She read: “For with stammering lips and another tongue will He speak to this people. To whom He said, This the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing, yet they would not hear.”
    She had never seen that before in the Bible. She fell to her knees and said, “This is the power of God.” Then she confided in me that she wanted this great experience also. I laid my hands on my wife and prayed that she would receive the Holy Ghost.         Two days later she received the Holy Spirit of promise and began speaking in unknown tongues glorifying God.
      One of my boys was asleep in his bedroom and when he heard me crying out to God, came running and in a concerned voice said: “You must be suffering from a nervous breakdown.” I answered him: 'No my son, I have just received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and have been healed miraculously by His Divine power.'
    I had been totally set free from darkness and brought into the light of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God. The glory of the Lord was so strong that I could scarcely bear it. 
    I could see with my visible eyes the 'shekinah glory' and the anointing was so strong that I could hardly walk. The mighty power of Grace and Glory was upon me for more than one month.
     The same night that I received the Holy Ghost I was sitting in an easy chair worshipping God when suddenly a vision came to me. A cup was set to my mouth and I was given two sips out of this cup.
    I have never in my life tasted anything so wonderful as what I drank out of that cup. I believe it was a little taste of Heaven with God's grace and mercy that I was allowed to partake of.  Hallelujah!
    While I was kneeling on the floor in our living room seeking God during the radio broadcast I heard Oral Roberts singing 'Amazing Grace'. The next night I said to my wife, Tonight I am going to go on my knees and ask God to stay His hand because the anointing was so strong that I could hardly contain it. When I knelt to pray the anointing came over my head and stayed there for about two hours.
    One day while I was lying down on my bed resting, I saw a coal of fire coming from the window and it touched my lips; it did not enter my mouth, however. In that moment, I thought of Isaiah's experience and I trembled at the thought of God's holiness and nearness.
    “Then flew one of the seraphims unto me, having a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from off the altar: And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Lo, this hath touched thy lips; and thine iniquity is taken away, and thy sin is purged.” (Is. 6:6,7)

 I knew that my lips had been cleansed because I had been a sinful man.
     The first person I told me experience to was my own doctor. I told him that I was healed and filled with the Holy Ghost. I told him that I didn't need any more pills. That I was born again and changed by God's power. 

              MY HEART WAS HEALED
After he examined me, he noted that not only was I well in my gallbladder, but also that my heart was normal. Dr. Duncan looked me straight in the eyes and said: “Mr. Solbrekken, you are a very lucky man.”
   From that time and onward I began testifying publicly for Christ, telling of my experiences with God and inviting them to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour and receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost.
 I soon realized that I had received an experience from God which seemed to be foreign to those with whom I conversed.
    Some people had the knowledge of sins forgiven and a personal experience of salvation but no one in our area had received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. 
     Some old time Christians had sought the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and still others were afraid of it because of wrong teaching in their churches.
    I also noticed that I soon became a marked man and if I would go into a public building in my town and people were blaspheming or swearing when I entered, they would abruptly discontinue that foul language and calm right down. 
     They must have felt the influence of the Holy Spirit within me. I also learned that I had received great power over demons and evil spirits as I would seek God in prayer.

                         PROPHECY FROM GOD!
    The Holy Spirit would speak to me regarding things to come. Usually this would come at night. I would pray to God concerning certain matters and ask Him to reveal His will to me and grant me His wisdom and understanding in many matters. Then the Holy Spirit would speak to me through dreams or deep impressions.

    God spoke to me declaring that He had given me power over diseases and demon spirits and that even cancer could not stand against me when I came against it in Jesus' name, with complete faith. He also reassured me that He would never leave me nor forsake me but would be with me always even to the end of the world.” (Matt 28:20)
     I noticed when the Holy Spirit wanted to speak to me, I would become very tired and would lie down to rest. Then the Spirit would begin to reveal many things to me about things to come. He showed me that a tremendous destruction was going to come as a result of a great world war, and the aggression would come from the Northern part of the globe.
    In the spring of 1956, I was having my crop spayed by a neighbour. In prayer the night before I asked God about my neighbour. He assured me that he was a born again Christian. The next morning as we met on the field, I shared with him concerning the Baptism of the Holy Ghost
     He asked me to pray for him. I asked him to remove his cap. Then, I laid my hands on his head in Jesus' name and began to pray for him to receive the Holy Spirit. 

The mighty power of God came upon him and he fell down, overcome by God's presence and began to speaking in tongues as they did in the Upper Room in Jerusalem on the Day of Pentecost. This continued for about fifteen minutes as we worshipped God in the open field. Then, I helped him to his feet. I asked him what had happened to him.
     The first thing he said was, “I am not afraid of war any more.” Then he continued, “I had a wonderful experience with God and had a vision of three bright lights. First, I saw a small light coming towards me and then a second larger light and finally a third light that I could not look upon it and there was no strength in me. Hallelujah. This is the power of God. Glory to His name; Now I know Heaven is for me and that I will make it there.”
One week later, I met this same neighbour again and he gave the following testimony. He had been deaf in one ear for quite some time but his ear had opened up and he could hear perfectly from it, since his wonderful experience in the field.


    Before my healing, I had a difficult time to walk the half mile from our home to town but after my healing I could run to town and back, and felt that I was almost more in the air than on the ground. Since my healing, I have had absolutely no trouble with my heart. Praise God.
    There are two things that I could not understand. First, why would God love me and want to give me His gifts when I was such a sinner? God spoke to me through the Scriptures and showed me that Jesus Christ died for the ungodly. (Rom. 5: 6). 
    And that He had come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19: 10). Jesus said, “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I not am come to call the righteous , but sinners to repentance. (Matt. 9:12, 13)
     Second, I did not know how easy it was to receive from God. As I read the Scriptures, I realized that all a person has to do is to believe the Word of God completely and in simple faith, trust and obedience reach out and take whatever you need from His hand, because He stands ready and willing to give it to you.
    Jesus said: “Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened.” (Matt. 7: 7,8). Then, thank, praise and glorify God for sending His Son Jesus Christ to save, heal and fill you with the blessed Holy Spirit. In closing, remember my friend that Jesus Christ died for you and that God loves you and wants to forgive you, heal you and fill you with the Holy Spirit and power. May God bless you. Amen.

                             LETTER FROM MY MOTHER!
    Below is a personal letter written by my Mother Anne, regarding her experience of being filled with the Blessed Holy Spirit. This letter was written in Norwegian and sent from Norquay, SK and translated into English. - Max Solbrekken

              Dear Max and Donna,                                              March 29, 1956
     Thank you so much for the phone call – it was so good to hear your voices. I must tell you a little about the wonderful things which have happened to us here on the farm in Saskatchewan. 
    It began with Dad receiving a wonderful spiritual experience. He sat in the big chair and listened to Oral Roberts on Sunday morning and was expecting to receive healing from the Lord. This was the third Sunday morning he had risen early to hear this radio broadcast.
    Oral Roberts said we should ask God to show us that He is God! Dad told us later that he had done just that. The first I heard was when Dad began to groan and it sounded as though he could not breathe properly and then he began to cry. I jumped out of bed and ran to the front room, thinking that Dad was dying or had become terribly sick. 
    You have probably not seen Dad cry; in over 31 years of marriage, I have never seen him cry before. I asked him if he was sick and he barely managed to answer, "This is God's power." When I heard this I let him alone thinking, if it is God's power then it is nothing to worry about. I fell to my knees and prayed. 
    Dad seemed to be completely overtaken with this wonderful power of God which was upon him – he had just sat down in his big chair again when this great power came all over him again and seemed to take complete control of him.
     It all began when Dad sat praying, and there appeared something like a pillar of fine rain or mist above his head and enveloped him – he just breathed in the wonderful presence of God and he was so thrilled with the nearness of the Lord and the beauty of this great spiritual experience. Then this great power seemed to fill his body, soul and mind.
   Naturally, I became very surprised at all this and many thoughts crossed my mind, perhaps Dad was going to die. I could not really understand what this was! Such a change came over Dad and it caused me to really wonder about it all. He was completely taken up with spiritual things and wanted to talk about God and the Bible and also to pray a great deal. 
     In other words, he had become a new person! He only wanted to do that which was right in all matters and he had such a burden for all those who were not saved.
    I was overjoyed at the change in him – a short time later - perhaps one week, Dad had lain down to rest on the bed, when suddenly he began to speak in a foreign language, clearly and distinctively, and for a long time. I became so surprised that I began to cry as I had never heard or seen anything like this before. Dad continued to speak in these foreign tongues several times a day and continued praising and magnifying God.
   All of this greatly surprised me as I could not understand it, but I knew it was the working of God, since I had observed the great spiritual change in Dad for the better! You know, he had never been a church man. 
   So Dad rejoiced and spoke in tongues daily and worshipped God; I had always been against those things, but now when I saw it in reality, I realized it was a great power from God. I certainly could see that from Dad's experience!
    Then, I began to consider the possibility of receiving the Gift of the Holy Ghost also, but I was afraid – afraid to pray for this mighty Gift and afraid to ask the Blessed Holy Spirit to come and dwell within me. Since I had these fears within me, the devil didn't waste any time in trying to rob me of this great gift from God. 
    Finally, however, God gave me grace to pray for the blessed Holy Ghost to come and take His abode within me. For three nights I prayed earnestly to be filled with the Holy Ghost, but became rather discouraged because nothing happened. 
   The presence of God, however, was so real in our home that many times I would tremble and shake as I sensed God's power all over me – it seemed I could just breathe in of God's goodness and power. Then one morning I woke up with strange heavenly words on my tongue which I spoke fluently. I thanked God as I felt a deep peace and tranquility fill my chest.
    The next day, I lay down for an afternoon nap as I was tired. Suddenly, I felt a trembling in my hands and a quivering in my mouth as my tongue begin to move. The blessed Holy Spirit had taken possession of my tongue and I heard myself speaking out loud in distinct and clear words – praises unto God in other tongues. After this had passed I became so overjoyed that God had visited me that I began to cry.
     Dad came running into my room, praising and magnifying God because I had also been filled with the Holy Ghost. It still thrills me to think that the Holy God would touch the lives of sinful humanity. It is all the grace of God through faith. Seek God and receive the Holy Ghost, Max and Donna. It is a great blessing.

    In July, 1957 I surrendered my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and was born again and baptized with Holy Ghost and fire. In 1961, we started our radio ministry and in August 1963 I resigned from my lucrative position in the business world and launched out in World Evangelism, which continues until today! Together with my precious wife Donna, we have stood in the forefront for Jesus across the world! I want to say that had it not been for my Dad's great miracle and changed life, I do not believe I would have ever entered the Gospel Ministry for Jesus Christ! AMEN.

                       Max Solbrekken  November 18, 2018
                          LUDVG MONSEN MIRACLE!

   While I was preaching to great crouds across Norway in 1968, I heard so much about the men who were instrumental in the healing of my mother, Anne Hestekind. To celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Ludvig Monsen's healing, the 1975 issue of the Stavanger Newspaper filled a very large section of their newspaper with the Miracle Healing that he received from Jesus Christ on January 15, 1915
   There would not have been a marriage between Anne Hestekind and Ingvar Solbrekken, if God had not healed my mother in about 1920 at the Betania Healing Home on the shore of the North Sea near Oslo Norway. And I would not have been born or preached the Gospel because Anne would not have married, because of her serious illness!
   And there would not have been a Storm / Monsen Ministry to bring healing to my mother, if God had not healed Ludvig Monsen at the Special Gospel Meeting at 3:00 pm January 15, 1915 at the Labour Hall in Stavangr Norway.
     Here is a brief history of the great Ministry that brought salvation and divine healing to countless thousands of sick and suffering in Norway, Scandinavia and Europe. Ludvig Monsen of Stavanger had experienced God in a special way as a youth but going to sea at 16 years of age had slipped away from the faith. After some years as a sailor, he got a job as a chimney sweep.
                        LUDVIG MONSEN FALLS OFF ROOF!
    On a wintry night in 1903, Ludvig Monsen fell off a roof onto an icy street 60 feet below. He was left paralyzed and blind and hovered between life and death for two years. During this time he returned to the faith and for next two years he asked for prayer from the Lutheran Prayer House, Lutheran Home Mission Group, the Salvation Army and the Methodists. He prayed four hours a day – two in the morning and two at night – without an answer from God.
    Then God brought into his life Håken Storm, a young man he knew in his youth who had experienced a powerful visitation from God. He was from a wealthy, highly cultured family who were personal friends with the King of Norway. His father was the mayor of Stavanger and his two uncles were Professors at the University.
    Håkon Strong was a musical prodigy, starting to paint at the age of ten and accepted at the Copenhagen Academy of Art in Denmark at 15. After graduating at age 20, he spent considerable time studying in Rome, and would often sit in the Sisteen Chapel studying the works of Michael Angelo and Leonarda de vinvence. He met with several Norwegian artists, among them Edvard Munch who painted' The Scream' and called him "Church Crazy".
    Returning to Norway, he became involved in teaching ART but there was a yearning in his heart for God. He began visiting homes to read the Bible and pray. He asked the Bishop of the Lutheran Cathedral if he could hand out gospel tracts to people attending and he began holding open air meetings in the area. Then, somehow he learned about the paralized Ludvig Monsen who was praying four hours a day for divine healing.
   They devised a plan to form an Evangelistic Team to reach the people of Norway. Håken built a wagon/bed on two high wheels with two handles similar to a wheel barrow, which he could push. On June 15, 1909 the wagon stood ready. Håken had specially made identical dark sailer's uniforms with Captain caps. (Ludvig's father was a ship's captain who drown at sea when he was 9 years old)
    It took five men to carry him to the wagon. Their first meeting was in a Lutheran Prayer House in Ryfylke, eight kilometers away. When they arrived it was discovered that the bed was too wide. One of leaders went home for a saw and cut out a piece of the wall, and the meeting took off with a start. Not only was Ludvig totally paralized, with the exception of his rght arm. He was also blind.
   Shortly thereafter, they received a letter from Andeas Larvik from Bergen inviting them to be his guest. He was a well known godly man and they had a number of meetings under his auspicous. In the meanwhile they had started a magazine titled, 'The clear Morning Star', and within two weeks they had 6,000 subscribers.
   They preached the Gospel everywhere they could. Doors opened for them in many places and in 'Open Air Meetings' and revivals in tentsThe wagon was raised up a little with a head rest, enabling Ludvig to preach also.
    On October 1914 the Storm / Monsen Brothers began a series of meetings in the Labour Hall in Stavanger. They invited all Religious groups, Peace groups, leading women of the Community and the Temperance Movement. These meetings continued until Christmas. The day before the meeting, someone seeing them push the wagon said, derisively:“Tomorrow they will get slaughtered!” And I believe that GOD LAUGHED!
   Ludvig Monsen was getting sicker and sicker. He had been twelve years crippled due to a tragic accident of falling down sixty feet from the roof of a house where he had been working as a chimney sweep. He and Håken had spent five years preaching the Gospel. On Thursday January, 1915, Håken placed this ad in the Newspaper:

A special meeting will be held this Sunday the 17th of January at precisely 3:00
pm at the Labour Hall. To this meeting the Darwinist Society and all the town's Priests will be officially invited, and herewith we invite as well every socialist in Stavanger, as well as all rationalists and God deniers (who deny that Jesus is True God)All doubters and those who doubt that Jesus is God, are all heartily invited.
   There were also sent invitation letters to the Home Mission, China Mission, Methodists and Salvation Army, as well as a host of other pastors and friends asking for their prayers for the Meeting. The Day came.
   The Labour Hall was filled. First, Håken Storm read a Scripture text. Then, Ludvig Monsen prayed. When he had spoken for a few minutes, he felt helpless and the death angst took a hold of him. He could no longer speak, but prayed silently.
   After a little while, he felt a shock go through his body. It felt comfortable. Immediately thereafter, a new and powerful shock. It felt like it would tear his body in pieces every bone and every limb. He tells it himself:
    “Then came some of the most wonderful things I have ever experienced in my life. A delightful voice, so heavenly, so clean, mild and gentle, which spoke the most loving language I had never heard. The voice came from Jesus' own lips and from His own mouth. And the words which He spoke, was for me more than words can speak and pen can write and said. “Ludvig, stand up.”
    “I sat on a stool beside the wagon while one wave of death after another swept over my soul. I felt myself together with my brother deep down in death's bitter waters. After these fearful moments came God's mild peace and I heard the Lord's quiet voice say to me: “Stand up!” But I hesitated. Then the voice said again: “Be kind, raise yourself up!”
   Slowly, I stood to my feet and felt a stream of blessing flowing through me and as I stood there by the wagon, I saw my brother raise himself up and I gave him my hand.”
   The following day, the Stavanger Newspapers carried reports with this headline: A PARALYZED MAN STOOD UP AND WALKED, a Dramatic, Emotional Episode!
   For 40 years, the Storm /Monsen Team preached the Gospel of Christ across Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, U.S.A. and other countries, winning thousands of souls to Christ and bringing healing to the sick and suffering in His Name.
  They built 'Healing Homes' as well as places for Homeless Men looking for employment, a Home for alcoholicsorphanages and a home for the aged.

                            JESUS HEALED MOTHER AT BETANIA!
It was at Betania Healing Home, near Oslo Norway that my mother Anne Hestekind was supernaturally healed by Jesus Christ, from a serious ailment which had sapped her strength, taken her balance and immobilized her, for six long years! After Christ had made her well, she took the train home alone to a level crossing, and walked more than 21 kilometers, completely well as though she had never been sick, Praise God!

All honour, praise and glory belong to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen.