Saturday, January 11, 2025


by: Pastor Max Solbrekken, D.D.

Every day takes us one day nearer to Christ’s return, the rapture of the church and the end of the world.  Each hour takes us into new crises, destruction, heartbreak and sorrow.  Many of the things happening were prophesied by the prophets and apostles of our Lord thousands of years ago.

One could rightly describe the days in which we live as perilous, wicked, and prophetic!  These are trying days full of fear, pessimism and sadness; for the Christian; however, these days should be filled with anticipation as we wait for the return of our Lord.  TIME MARCHES ON, on one can stop it – and with it marches prophecy – marching on to fulfillment!

Watching the Newscasts today is like reading from the Holy Bible.  Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah and others, together with the Apostles in the New Testament, foretold the events which are happening now.  Any student of the Bible surely can see the handwriting on the wall in regard to the wickedness of mankind, the shortness of time, the soon coming of Christ and the Judgment Day

The Bible says, “Men’s hearts will fail them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of Heaven shall be shaken.” (Luke 21:26)  The Scripture states some of the reasons that men’s hearts shall fail them – “There shall be signs in the sun and in the moon and in the stars; and upon earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and waves roaring.  Regardless of how dark the picture looks, we who know the Lord Jesus Christ, and are filled with the Holy Ghost do not frighten easily because of our belief in Him and the Holy Word of God, together with our unshakeable hope of the soon and glorious appearing of our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

I believe it is a God given opportunity and a great privilege to be alive in the midnight hour of this closing generation of the Grace of God upon the earth.  What an opportunity, what a privilege and what a responsibility is ours to bring the glorious message of a risen and living Saviour to the ends of the earth!  What a tremendous responsibility is ours since we have so much light from God and so many open doors into which we can go with this message of life. 

WE MUST NOT FALTER; WE DARE NOT FAIL, we cannot ignore the pleas from the hungry and thirsty souls who are begging us to come over and help them, before it is too late.  May God supply the need so that we can give ourselves freely in Gospel crusades, in radio broad-casting, TV and in printing millions of pieces of literature to ship around the world to the lost and dying.

We are responsible for our generation!  We are not responsible for the generation of our fathers or for a future generation (should Christ tarry) – we are responsible for the people who are alive today!  We must reach them with the Gospel Message before it is too late.  I am absolutely thrilled at the prospect of the great things which are in store for us who are servants of the living God, daring to believe the entirety of His Word, in this awful generation!  Our prayer should be: “HERE I AM LORD, SEND ME!”  Please pray for me that I may ever stay in the centre of His Will!”

Also in Luke 21:24-32, “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; men’s heart’s failing them for fear, (and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth; for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.  And then shall they see the SON OF MAN coming in a cloud with power and great glory.  And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh..”


The Scripture tells us that in the last days perilous times shall come. (2 Tim. 3:1)  This certainly is a picture of this generation.  These are treacherously dangerous and perilous times – murder, rape, violence and crime stalk the streets of our cities as nuclear nations stand ready to pull the trigger that would begin a third world war and could bring death to multiplied millions the earth over.  The world stands on a powder keg – almost anything could topple the scales in the wrong direction – almost hourly and definitely daily – new protests, demonstrations, riots and insurrections are taking place around the globe.  The world awaits and watches breathlessly hour by hour and moment by moment for fresh news of violence and bloodshed.

The days in which we are living are wicked days.  Gross immorality and sex perversion has taken a tremendous toll on young lives in this present civilization.  Our western civilization is being demoralized to the extent that many of our young people have no will to work, no desire to achieve worthwhile goals, no initiative to help themselves or their fellowman, and no respect for themselves, their parents, governmental authority, and even God almighty.  Many are slaves to cocaine, fentanyl, marijuana, heroin, liquor and illusive, demon inspired and perverted thoughts.

Remember the great Empire of Greece and Rome and how they fell because of moral corruption.  Look at how England is falling, and falling fast, because of sin – USA and Canada are on her heels. – OH GOD HELP US!

Then also, not only do we have wickedness and sinfulness in the world today that has been unprecedented in other generations, but we have a double barrel evil day here with the sins of the Antediluvian age (days of Noah) and also the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah (Luke 17:26-30); we also have days that are tragic with happenings in the world that bring great suffering, pain, anguish and sorrow to many people.  On the domestic scene we have the tragedy of broken homes, divorce and remarriage, and children left to shift for themselves.  

We have the tragedy of little children being assaulted and raped by some demon possessed pervert or sadist – women strangled and raped, entire families murdered by someone who has given his  mind over to evil spirits, who have compelled him to rape and kill, and also an alarming increase of drug addiction and suicides.

On the political scene we see the tragedy of fake news by CNN and their TV echo chambers, promoting anti-American, pro-socialism and communist views, cancel culture, pro-abortion views.  MAY GOD HELP US! These indeed are tragic days.


God has his hand on all things and I believe that everything has happened for a purpose and according to God’s plan.  America has forsaken God, is sinning grossly and must reap because of her iniquities. She has sown and now she is reaping and there will be more of the harvest unless she repents and returns to God!  Nothing that has happened has just happened, but everything goes according to DIVINE plan – the events of recent days are having their effects upon the millions and every day history is being made and prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes.

All these events, tragedies and fulfilled prophecies point us again and again to the IMMINENT SOON personal return of the Lord Jesus Christ from Heaven to rapture the Church.  In the Holy Scriptures we read (Rev. 22:17), “And the Spirit and the bride say, Come, and let him that heareth say, Come.  And let him that is athirst come.  And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.”


My urgent message to you today is to prepare to meet your Maker, for surely we are living in the very last days, and soon we will see Him as He is – We who are Christians must labor and work to win others to Him before the darkness falls upon the earth and God closes things down for the night! (Rev. 10:5-6) 

“And the angel which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, and sware by him that liveth forever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which were therein, that there should be time no longer.” (John 9:4)  Jesus said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.”

(John 4:35-36) Jesus said, “Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.  And he that reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal: that both he that soweth and he that reapeth may rejoice together.”

We see the darkening clouds of apostasy, false religion and backsliding, luke-warm church members hovering low; we see the mammoth rise of crime, racism, violence and strife everywhere; and then we look into the Bible, God’s Holy Word, and we read, “Lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” (Luke 21:28)

I want to ask you one question before I bring this message to a close – Are your sins washed away or are you a sinner on the broad road to Hell and separation from God?

Please stop long enough in your pursuit of pleasure, wealth and fame and begin to think!  Think for a few minutes about eternity, the destiny of your soul and the Love of God that sent Jesus Christ to die for you on the cross of Calvary so many years ago – Please accept Jesus Christ today as your personal Saviour and your name will be written down in the Lamb’s Book of Life. (Rev. 20:15)  Here are the words of invitation from our Lord Himself: “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matt. 11:28) Amen.

 ** This updated article originally written in 1973.

 For spiritual counsel or prayer please write: Max Solbrekken World Mission Box 44220 RPO Garside Edmonton, AB T5V 1N6; Mswm; [email protected];; Donations may be sent by e-Transfer. Make your donation to [email protected]. Thank you and may the Lord richly bless you. Amen

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Testimony of Neva Marasty, Meadow Lake, SK -
given at Faith Cathedral, Edmonton (1981)

 Praise the Lord!  I’m thankful to Jesus Christ to be here.  I am thankful to the Lord that I can testify for Him.  For it was Jesus who healed me.  I give Jesus all the honour and glory for me being alive today.  The name of Jesus is so powerful!  There is healing in His Name!

Nine years ago, I was very sick!  I went to doctors and I was in the hospital almost every week.  They couldn’t help me.  I had so many pills to take, that my cupboard was full.

When the doctors said they couldn’t help me, I started searching in the Indian ways.  Some of our Indian people told me that’s where I would find spiritual help and healing.


One night I was so sick that we called for the Priest, as I was a Roman Catholic.  The Priest came to the house but all he did was make the sign of the cross.  He turned to leave, even though I grabbed his hand and begged him to stay.  I wouldn’t let him go until he prayed for me, but he couldn’t!  He told my husband that he could not help me. 

After he left, I realized that this man, whom I had trusted all my life, couldn’t help me, so I called on the Lord Jesus Christ.  I said, God, Please take me home tonight.  I am so tired of being in such pain!

I knew heaven and hell were real and I didn’t want the devil to take me!  As I was asking God to take me, I felt a beautiful feeling come over me.  Such peace and I went to sleep.  I dreamed that this Bible was put in front of me and all the pages were turning from the front to the back.  You see, brothers and sisters, you must believe in the whole Bible, not just here and there.  Every Word of God is true!

When I awoke, I felt so good and told my mother about my dream.  She told me not to read the Bible because it would make me crazy.  I started to talk to God in my own way and ask Him what I should do   .      

A few days later, this Pentecostal preacher came to see me.  We didn’t like him because he used to come to the Reserve all the time and knock on doors and give out pamphlets and literature.


I finally started to read the books and tracts he left and I was so surprised!  This man of God was praying for people in the Name of Jesus and they were being healed.

I called my husband and signed myself out of the hospital.  The doctors and nurses were upset with me.  The next night, my nephew drove me to Edmonton, and we attended the service at the Revival Centre.  There were many people there.  Many were being healed.

As I was praying, Brother Max Solbrekken came along and as he stretched his hand toward me, I saw this great bolt of light come towards me and land on my forehead.  I felt a beautiful feeling come all over me!  I was laughing and crying at the same time.  I started to speak in tongues and was filled to overflowing, with the Holy Ghost.  I was totally healed!  Praise God!

 Max Solbrekken World Mission Box 44220 RPO Garside Edmonton, AB T5V 1N6; Mswm; [email protected];; Donations may be sent by e-Transfer. Make your donation to [email protected]. Thank you and may the Lord richly bless you. Amen.


Canada is in serious trouble. It has been 12 years since adults have been in charge of our beloved nation. Let's put the boot go the entire Trudeau and NDP governments!              - Pastor Max Solbrekken

Over half of Canadians 15 years and older are drinking more than goveernment-recommended guidelines say is safe, according to a new report.

A Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) article said that 57 percent of Canadians 15 years and older currently drink more than the amount recommended in Canada’s Guidance on Alcohol and Health issued in 2023.

Additionally, numbers from a 2021 survey found about 18 percent of people 15 years and older “meet the clinical criteria for an alcohol use disorder (AUD) in their lifetime,” the Oct. 16 CMAJ article said.

According to the government guide , which comes with a public summary titled “Drinking less is better,” three to six "standard drinks" per week come with “moderate risk,” while more than six a week pose “increasingly high risk.” The guide says that not drinking carries "no risk" and "has benefits, such as better health, and better sleep," and that one to two standard drinks a week constitute "low risk."

Health risks of higher alcohol consumption include cancer, heart disease, and liver disease, the guide says.

“Alcohol consumption in Canada is markedly higher than the global average and above the median for high-income countries,” the CMAJ article authors wrote.




Sleep-Deprived Teens More Apt to Drink, Smoke, and Have Unsafe SexUniversities Protesting That Caffeine-Alcohol Drinks Are Marketed to Teens



The authors also noted that alcohol use and alcohol use disorder (AUD) represent “major contributions to ill health in Canada, with research suggesting that more than 200 health consequences, including injuries and fatalities, are attributable to alcohol use.”

Yet, the article says, “evidence-informed interventions for AUD have not been widely implemented in Canada.”

They noted that this could be attributed to “structural problems such as stigma and lack of health care provider training.”

Ravaged Communities: Ja’Ron Smith and Chris Pilkerton on Globalization, Drugs, and the Erosion of Civil Society      

“Although national statistics are lacking, studies from Canadian provinces have shown that less than 2% of eligible patients receive evidence-based alcohol pharmacotherapies,” the authors wrote.

They developed a “national treatment guideline” to assist doctors, policy-makers, and other clinical and non-clinical personnel, as well as individuals affected by alcohol use.

“The major aim is to promote the use of evidence-based interventions to reduce alcohol-related harms,” the article said.

The guideline includes 15 recommendations that cover screening, diagnosis, withdrawal management, and ongoing treatment.

The recommendations also advocate for “the importance of considering the social determinants of health and incorporating harm reduction-, trauma- and violence-informed practice and culturally safe approaches as the standard of care for patients and families affected by alcohol use, high-risk drinking and AUD.”

The recommendations were developed with “a broad range of expertise,” the article authors said.

Health Benefits of Drinking Questioned

In March, scientists from the Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research at the University of Victoria published a paper after reviewing over 100 cohort studies, involving nearly 5 million participants, to examine whether health benefits thought to be attributed to light and moderate consumption of alcohol might be due to other factors, such as lifestyle and socioeconomic status.

Their findings, published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, indicate that bias in past studies may have affected the results.

“Light and moderate drinkers are systematically healthier than current abstainers on a range of health indicators unlikely to be associated with alcohol use,” the study authors wrote.

Moreover, another study published in JAMA Network on July 28 found that the number of women dying from alcohol-related conditions is on the rise.

Researchers found that from 2018 to 2020, women’s alcohol-attributed mortality rate increased by 14.7 percent per year while the rate among men increased by 12.5 percent.

George Citroner and Jane Nguyen contributed to this report. 

Max Solbrekken World Mission Box 44220 RPO Garside Edmonton, AB T5V 1N6; Mswm; [email protected];; Donations may be sent by e-Transfer. Make your donation to [email protected]. Thank you and may the Lord richly bless you. Amen.

Monday, January 6, 2025


                                              "Who is Jesus Christ?  Where does He live?                                                                                               What does He want with me? " she asked!

by: Pastor Max Solbrekken

I met an old woman,
in a land far away

She was tending some sheep,
in the heat of the day

I wanted to tell her that Jesus did care,
she had not heard it, it just isn’t fair.

It just isn’t fair that the children of men,
are bound by the Devil and all of his sin

It just isn’t fair that the pagan are lost,
when Jesus paid such a terrible cost.

Who is this Jesus, and what does he want.
Where does He live and what’s all this about?

Then  I told her of Calvary,
and what had happened there,

She just had not heard it,
it just isn’t fair.

I wanted to tell her that Jesus did care,
she had not heard it, it just isn’t fair.

Oh who is this Jesus, and what does he want?
Where does he live and what’s all this about?

I told her of heaven and all that is there,
She has not heard it, it just isn’t fair.

The message I’m asking for you to receive,
from this little song, an imprint to leave,

To help preach the gospel to souls everywhere,
They just have not heard it, it just isn’t fair.

Max Solbrekken World Mission Box 44220 RPO Garside Edmonton, AB T5V 1N6; Mswm; [email protected];; Donations may be sent by e-Transfer. Make your donation to [email protected]. Thank you and may the Lord richly bless you. Amen.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

                                                            WHO IS JESUS:

                                   Is He really God?

                                                         By Pastor Max Solbrekken, D.D.

“Jesus is known and worshipped today around the world, more than any man.  I’d like most of all to interview Jesus”. - Larry King on CNN. 1/7/00)

Usually at Christmas and Easter, News Magazines carry cover stories such as: The Search for Jesus; Who is Jesus?; Is Jesus God? Rory Leishman – who is a Jewish Christian – a columnist for the London Free Press referred to Jesus as Christ and God! 

He wrote:“God was executed by people painfully like us, in a society very similar to our own – in the over-ripeness of the most splendid and Sophisticated empire the world has ever seen”.

When St. Thomas saw the living resurrected Christ, he exclaimed: “My Lord and my God”. (John 20:28). Almighty God called Jesus, Lord and God: “And again, when He bringeth in the first begotten into the world, He saith…But unto the Son He saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the sceptre of Thy kingdom.

“And, Thou, Lord, in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth; and the heavens are the works of Thine hands: And as a vesture shalt Thou fold them up, and they shall be changed: but Thou art the same, and Thy years shall not fail.” (Heb. 1:6,8,10,12)


And Jesus said of Himself: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Rev. 1:8)

“Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection and the life: he that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die.” (John 11:25, 26)

Jan Calvin, the French Reformer – who founded the Presbyterian Church in Switzerland declared: “I gave up all for Christ, and what have I found?  I have found everything in Christ”.

Hans Denk exclaimed: “O my God, how does it happen in this poor old world that Thou art so great and yet nobody finds Thee, that Thou callest so loudly and nobody hears Thee, that Thou art so near and nobody feels Thee, that Thou givest Thyself to everybody and nobody knows Thy name?

Men flee from Thee and say they cannot find Thee; they turn their backs and say they cannot see Thee; they stop their ears and say they cannot hear Thee”.

Here is a touching account of the life and death of world-famous medical missionary David Livingstone in Africa: He wrote in his diary dated January 14, 1856: “Lo, I am with you always, even until the end of the world.  It is the word of a gentleman of the most strict and sacred honour so there’s an end of it!  I feel quite calm now, thank God”.

He faced the most savage fear, believing that this promise was absolutely true.  No man lived a lonelier life than he, and yet no man had such a sense of the companionship of his God.  He buried his wife Mary with his own hands, and in anguish wept like a child.  He says for the first time in his life he feels willing to die.  “I am left alone in the world by one whom I felt to be a part of myself”.

When he died, he died alone, discovered by two natives, on his knees beside his bed among the bogs and marshes near Chitambo’s village in Ilala. Among the last entries in his diary is written:“He will keep His word, the gracious One, full of grace and truth; no doubt of it.  He will keep His word and it will be all right.  Doubt is inadmissible, surely!” - selected 

Famous Missionary C.T. Studd testified: “If Jesus is God and died for me, there is no sacrifice too great for me to make for Him”


JERUSALEM – World famed pianist Arthur Rubenstein took Prime Minister Golda Meir and a national audience aback here when he professed faith in Jesus Christ last fall over Israel television.

According to a report in the Mount Zion Reporter, the incident took place last November (1974) while Mrs. Meir was interviewing the American Jewish virtuoso on television.  She asked him to name “the greatest event in your life”.

“When I received Yeshua Hammashiach (Jesus the Messiah) into my heart”, he replied.  “Since that, my life was changed.  I have experienced joy and peace ever since”.

The report went on to state that at the comment Mrs. Meir leaned back in her chair with an expression of complete surprise. - Selected                                      


Dr. Harry Ironside wrote: “A Hungarian countess, a professed unbeliever, commanded that her body be interred in a stone casket in a mausoleum that was to be built about it.  A plate was placed on the foot of the mausoleum giving her name and some particulars of her death, and then the words, ‘Not to be opened for eternity’.

'But while they were building that mausoleum and before sealing the body in that tomb, an ACORN dropped into the tomb, and today there is an oak tree rising out of the center of it.  It is broken asunder and the casket is exposed.  An acorn under the hand of Almighty God opened it."        

You cannot thwart God; you cannot hinder God’s omnipotent working.  Pilate said, ‘Make it as sure as you can’, and they did everything that human ingenuity could suggest to keep the body of Jesus in that grave in Judea.  All their effort was overthrown.  He who had yielded up Himself to death, took His life back again by commandment from God.  He was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father.”


According to the ‘Population Reference Bureau Inc.’, the world population will escalate by at least 50% and may possibly double between 2000 and 2030 A.D.  And it may even reach 9.5 billion by that time.

Have you ever considered such huge numbers?  With more than 6.7 billion people presently living on this planet (more than all the people who have lived since the beginning of time up until the 20th Century), it’s frightening to think about the masses that die every day without knowing Christ or even hearing His Gospel!

I remember when I first began preaching the Gospel 60 years ago, we calculated that – at that time – about 120,000 people died every 24 hours. That was a staggering sum!  Now, according to the world population clock, that figure has grown to more than 140,000 per day which breaks down to about 58 per minute and one every second!

For the past more than 60 years my heart has cried out to the Lord for lost souls and my voice has been heard pleading with lost souls over TV, radio, literature, in our crusades and through personal evangelism, to give their lives to Jesus Christ!

William Shakespeare wrote: “There is a line by us unseen that crosses every path, the hidden boundary between God’s patience and His wrath”.

John Wesley, in a vision in the night, found himself, he thought, at the gates of Hell.  He knocked and asked who were within.  “Are there any Roman Catholics here?” he asked.  “Yes”, was the answer.  “Any Church of England people?”  “Yes”, was the answer.  “Are there any Presbyterians?” And again, “Yes, a great many”.  “Are there any Wesleyans here?”  “Yes, we have some of those too”, came the answer.


Disappointed and dismayed, especially at the last reply, he turned his step upward and came to the gates of Heaven.  Here he repeated the same question.  “Any Wesleyans here?” he inquired anxiously.  The answer was “no”.  And as he named off the other denominations, to his dismay, each time the answer was, “no”.  “Then whom do you have here?” he asked in desperation.  “We know nothing here of any of those names you have mentioned”, said the angel.

They are all CHRISTIANS in here – born again people.  Of these we have a multitude which no man can number, gathered out of all nations and kindreds and people and tongues”.

Let us remember that Heaven is a spiritual country for a spiritually born people.  Heaven knows no denominational lines!   - Author unknown

The love of God reaches out today to a lost, confused, dysfunctional and fearful humanity and Jesus’ kind voice speaks over the tumult and the storm:

“Peace be unto you My son, My daughter.  Be not afraid.  I will never leave you or forsake you.  Come to Me and lay your cares upon Me.  I will carry your burdens and forgive your sins.  I will give you rest.  Fear not – Only believe.”

Blaise Pascal in his ‘pensies’ wrote: “It is good to be tired and weary from fruitlessly seeking true good, so that one can stretch out one’s arm to the Redeemer”.

Remember, that Jesus said in His Word, “Him that cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out”. (John 6:37). 

Thomas Arnold stated: “The distinction between Christianity and all other systems of religion consists largely in this, that in these others, men are found seeking after God, while Christianity is God seeking after man”.

Solbrekken World Mission  Box 44220 RPO Garside Edmonton, AB T5V 1N6. Email: [email protected];; Facebook; Youtube; Donations can be made by e-Transfer; make your donation to [email protected]; May God bless you.