Burqa Ban: Sri Lanka Bars Muslim
Women from Wearing Face Masks
after Easter Bombing Attacks
Burqa ban in Sri Lankaa after recent murderous
Muslim attack on churches in Sri Lanka
A woman wears a niqab as she walks in Montreal. Sri Lanka has banned niqabs and burqas in the wake of terror attacks.
Sri Lanka has announced that the country is banning all face coverings, including burqas and niqabs, following the Easter Sunday suicide bombings.The attacks that killed 253 people — many at churches — were unleashed by Islamic terrorists. Now, President Maithripala Sirisena used emergency powers to outlaw any form of face covering in public in a bid to track down terrorists behind the massacre. The country said the hijab and Chador — which do not cover the face — are exempt from the ban.
Sri Lanka has announced that the country is banning all face coverings, including burqas and niqabs, following the Easter Sunday suicide bombings.The attacks that killed 253 people — many at churches — were unleashed by Islamic terrorists. Now, President Maithripala Sirisena used emergency powers to outlaw any form of face covering in public in a bid to track down terrorists behind the massacre. The country said the hijab and Chador — which do not cover the face — are exempt from the ban.