Friday, January 19, 2018

Trudeau Bans Christians from
Canada Summer Jobs

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Trudeau Bans Christian Students from Canada Summer Jobs
In a recent town hall meeting, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced his reasoning for not permitting Christians to apply for Canada Summer Jobs.  Trudeau said that those who seek to restrict abortion are "not in line with society".

The Canada Summer Jobs program provides over $200 million per year to fund some 70,000 students with seasonal employment.  Just before Christmas, Trudeau changed the requirements for funding which now demands that applicants and employers sign a document to attest thathey support  women’s reproductive rights, and the rights of gender-diverse and transgender Canadians."  No Bible believing Christian can sign such a document therefore the result is clear, Christians need not apply.

It appears that our Prime Minister does not recognize that each and every Canadian must be treated equally before the law and receive equal benefit including opportunity for students to be employed under the CSJ program.  Section 15 of Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedom, says "1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law".  
Some may argue that his discrimination is not overt in that he does not explicitly name Christians; however, his descriptions are crystal clear.  Christian individuals and organizations are at the forefront of fighting for person status of unborn children and protection of Children from radical sex education teaching.

One would hope that Trudeau's discrimination is temporary; however, back when Justin Trudeau was first elected as Prime Minister, over two years ago, he told local Toronto pastors that "Evangelical Christians are the worst part of Canadian society."

Hundreds of Christian organizations and thousands of Christian 
students have now lost funding for this year's summer jobs.  Church leaders have begun to push back.  If the government is allowed to blatantly deny Christian students employment, it won't be long until other Christians feel the threat of losing their jobs simply for practicing what the Bible teaches.  In fact, it has been reported that this prohibition has already expanded to other programs such as the Canada Service Corps including the YMCA.

We must not allow Trudeau to deny students jobs for not swearing to support abortion and multiple genders.  We can stop this if we petition God, take action by contacting your Member of Parliament and call the Prime Minister at 613-941-6900.

Please join us in the fight with your best possible financial donation and by encouraging as many people as possible to sign the petition at If not you, then who? If not now, when?