Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Our New Book 'The Principles of Faith & How They Function' will soon be on the Web. Here is the Introduction to it. - Pastor Max Solbrekken

                                       BACK TO BASICS
In going back to the basic teachings of the Holy Bible we focus on the Gospel. The GOOD NEWS is that Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God was incarnated - God in human flesh - to offer Himself as God's Paschal Lamb, to atone for the sins of the world!

The GOSPEL is the glad tidings that Light has come into a world of Darkness; that Peace has come into a world of Turmoil; that Healing has come into a world of Sickness; that Love has come into a world of Hate; that Forgiveness has come into a world of Sin; that Life has come into a world of Death; that Freedom has come into a world of Bondage; that the shed blood of Jesus Christ has destroyed Satan's power over those who receive Him as Lord and Saviour; that lost souls bound by the world, flesh and the devil can be liberated by the  Saviour and Emancipator of the Human Race; that Jesus Christ alone is Light, Peace, Health, Love, Forgiveness, Life, Freedom and Eternal Salvation! 

For nearly 2,000 years the Church of the Living God has proclaimed: 'Christ has Died. Christ is Risen. Christ will Come Again.' The Bible teaches that we are Saved by Faith alone, through Grace alone and in Christ alone!

Salvation is the work of God, given freely to lost and condemned sinners, who in humility and repentance confess their sins to Christ and receive His forgiveness on the basis of His atoning work for us on the Cross at Golgotha!

Faith in God and His Word is indispensable and in this study we will examine the Principles of Faith and How They FunctionThe BIBLE says: "Without faith it is impossible to please God", but with faith, "all things are possible". (Heb. 11: 6; Mark 9:23)

Faith and unbelief are diametrically opposed, because faith comes from God's Word, while unbelief germinates where "there is ignorance" of the Scriptures!

Faith is born of God but unbelief is the product of satanic invention because faith is a positive power, while unbelief is a negative force! Faith is a divine gift, but unbelief has its origin in superstition, fear and unrighteousness!

Faith is rooted in trust, sincerity and truth, while unbelief is anchored in skepticism, resentment and deception!

Faith touches the heart of God and opens Heaven's store - house to believers. Unbelief closes the "channels of blessing" and sets the soul on a rebellious course of self-will and transgression!

Faith works and unbelief also works. Both bring forth an abundant harvest; one good and the other bad. One produces life, the other death - for time and eternity!

The best example of ‘living faith’ is found in the dynamic life of Jesus Christ. He did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth. He obeyed His Father's will so explicitly that "a voice came from Heaven, saying: This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. Hear ye Him". (Matt. 17:5)

No wonder Jesus could heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons, multiply the loaves and fishes, walk on the water, commandeer the elements and raise the dead! He always did those things that pleased His Father!

He said: “When ye have lifted up the Son of Man, then shall ye know that I am He, and that I do nothing of Myself; but as My Father hath taught Me, I speak these things. And He that hath sent Me is with Me: the Father hath not left Me alone; for I do always those things that please Him.” (John 8: 28,29)