Monday, December 13, 2021

                WERE YOU THERE?

                         By Pastor Max Solbrekken, D.D.

On September 22, 1589 HENRY of NAVARRE wrote to CRILLON whom he called "the bravest of the brave", after the Battle of Arques: "Hang yourself brave Crillon, we have Conquored at Arques and you were NOT there!" In other words: 'You Missed It. You were Not there."

 Were you there? Did you show up?  When it is all over and we all stand before God, will you be able to say, I Was There. I Showed Up?

How will you answer when He asks, "What did you do with the talents I gave you? Where is the fruit of your labour, in the vineyard I placed you? Why did you cave in when I gave Myself without reservation for mankind? What did you do with the authority, power and spiritual gifts I put at your disposal?"

Will you answer like the Unprofitable Servant, "I hid your talent in the ground" (Luke 17:7-10); or, will you say like those who were bidden to the Marriage Supper, "I was too busy: I bought a farm and had to inspect it. I bought a large new tractor. I got married and didn't have time to attend Your supper." (Luke 14:16-24) 

MARTIN LUTHER stated: "I live as though Jesus Christ died yesterday, arose today and is coming again tomorrow!" That was his 'Philosophy of Ministry'. He was completely sold out to God. He did not back down. He stuck with it to the very end and he won! He was there. He showed up!

May we all be able to say, “I was there! I showed up! I answered the Call of God. I was there when it happened. I heard His voice and I answered that I would be faithful in whatever He asked me to do. I sensed the peace flood my spirit and mind. I felt His Holy Spirit enter my innermost spirit and took control of my tongue as I worshipped and praised Him with a full throat.”

The powerful old hymn asks: "Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb? Were you there when He rose up from the grave? Were you when He ascended to the throne?” Can you say, "Yes - I was there"?


Will you be there when He comes in the Rapture of the Church? And will you be there when He rides on His White Horse to the Valley of Jehosaphat and the Plains of Megiddo to meet the Armies of the Antichrist?

By the grace of God, I will be there and so will you, my friend. Let us stand together, strong in the Faith of Jesus!

The Bible states that all believers have  died with Christ  (Gal.2:20),  were buried with Christ (Rom.6: 4), arose with Christ (Rom.6:4-12) and are presently seated with Him in heavenly places (Eph. 2:16); And should Christ tarry, we will return with Him when He comes to carry His Bride to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb (1 Thes. 4: 13). And so shall we ever be with our Lord! (1 Thes. 4: 17)

CRILLON, as a Knight of Malta had fought against the Turks. He was called "the brave" by the Courts of France and "the man without fear" by the Army. King Henry 1V of NAVARRE and FRANCE called Crillon, "the bravest of the brave".

CRILLON was a compassionate man who forgave a would-be assassin, and condemned the orchestrated slaughter of 110,000 unarmed Protestants by the bloody Roman Catholic Church on St. Bartholomew's Day on August 24,1572.

Five times KING HENRY 1V had fought to take ARQUES. On September 20, 1589 the King wrote: "Crillon, we fought at Arques, without you. I would have loved to have had you by my side." It was almost like he was begging Crillon to join him.

Two days later on September 22, 1589 HENRY of NAVARRE wrote to CRILLON after the Battle of Arques: "Hang yourself brave Crillon, we have Conquored at Arques and you were NOT there!" In other words: 'You Missed It. You were Not there."


That story reminds me of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane pleading with Peter, James and John to remain awake and pray with Him for one hour as He agonized in prayer and His sweat became like great drops of blood. 

After his third call He said, "SLEEP ON NOW and take your rest, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners." (Matt.26:45). In other words, "It's too late now. You were NOT there when I needed you. You missed it!"

After one of his great victories, Napoleon Bonaparte of France minted a special Medal which he gave to each of his soldiers. On one side was the name of the Battle and on the other side, the words: 'I WAS THERE!'

Let us not miss the coming battles for the souls of men and victories of changed lives and out-poured blessings, as we move forward in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ in 2020. Let us be there.!!!

When it is all over, I pray that you will be able to say, I was there. I showed up. We can and we will. Let us do it together! Amen.