William Ashley Sunday born in Ames, Iowa Nov. 19, 1862
§ 1883: Sunday is
signed to play for the Chicago White Stockings.
§ 1886-1887: Sunday
experiences a conversion to Christianity.
§ 1891: Sunday turns
down a $3,000 baseball contract to work
at the Chicago YMCA for $80 a week.
§ 1893: Sunday
becomes full time assistant to J. Wilbur
Chapman, a well known evangelist.
§ 1896-1935: Billy
Sunday preaches an estimated 20,000 sermons
t o audiences at revival meetings held throughout the US.
American Evangelist Billy Sunday, 1929
50 YEARS:1963-2013
Jesus said: "Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to
every creature. He that believeth & is baptized shall be saved
... And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my Name
shall they cast out devils...They shall lay their hands upon the
sick, and they shall recover." (Mark 16: 15-20)
Pastor Max Solbrekken & Pastor John leads the
Khartoum Assembly of God in fervent Prayer during
very perilous times in Darfur and all of Sudan, 2006
Pastor Max Solbrekken poses in front of Statue of St. Paul
in Valletta, Malta during his historic 1973 Breakthrough.
God's power breaks through in Salvation and Divine Healing
in Sandy Lake, ON among the Canadian Indian Cree in 1971
Max & Donna Solbrekken with Premier Joey Smallwood,
the last Father of Confederation at his home in Gambo, Nfld.
in 1968. Mr. Joey Smallwood showed Max and Donna his
Mother's Bible. Although a Methodist, he loved Pentecostal
Camp Meetings. Rev. Cecil Daley of the Embree Pentecostal
Church accompanied the Solbrekkens to Smallwood's home.
Dr. David Perreira interprets Max Solbrekken in 2008
Lisbon, Portugal Crusade as the blessings of God came
The Solbrekken Evangelistic Association of Canada was
officially recognized by the Government in 1963. The
Cry of His Coming Magazine began publishing in 1964
and is still active in 2013, 49 years later.
Max Solbrekken (1967) with orphans at the Solbrekken
Children's Home which SEA Canada supported
in Guntur, Andrah Pradesh in India for 37 years.
Jesus Christ said: "Follow Me and I will make you to
become fishers of men." (Mark 1:17) The above painting
is titled 'The Miracle Catch'. It is a a reminder of our great
duty and opportunity to reach precious souls for our Lord
and Saviour! Anyone desiring to help, please contact us
SOON at [email protected] - Max Solbrekken
On October 26, 1969 Pastor Max Solbrekken opened the
Edmonton Revival Centre 149 St & Stony Plain Road.
Above photo by the Edmonton Journal
Multitudes of people were born again, filled with the Holy
Spirit and healed miraculously by faith in Jesus Christ
through the Blood of the Everlasting Covenant from
1969 to 1978
The Canadian Bible Academy was born here in 1974.
Great Missionaries were trained in theology from
1974 - 1978. God's Word changed many lives
Faith Cathedral was a bastion of Faith, Love & Hope
Max & Ken Solbrekken working together
reaching precious souls for Christ, 1987
Father & Son Proclaiming the Unsearchable Riches
of the Cross of Christ & the power of His resurrection
Max Solbrekken pastored, was a University Chaplain,
conducted massive Crusades, started Orphanages, Bible Schools & preached on Radio and Television !
For many years Faith Cathedral was a lighthouse of
the powerful Message of God's Redeeming Power
and Ministry of Divine Healing & Deliverance
Property purchased on 15641- 96 A Ave in 1977
and Faith Cathedral became a reality in 1980.
Revival Meetings brought Christ to multitudes.
In 2005, Max Solbrekken was invited by Dr. Manoel
Ferreira to Brazil to preach at the Minister's Convention
to 4,500 pastors. He addressed ca. 300,000 on April 13,
2005 at the Assemblies of God Crusade in the Plaza
Brasil in Paulinia, S.P. He ministered to about 10,000
Pastors in Brazil during 2004 & 2005 .
Max Solbrekken purchased this old circus tent in 1964
for $2,000 and conducted great Crusades in Surrey, BC,
Edmonton, AB and Winnipeg, MB. Brother Casperson, a
Godly Norwegian Fisherman supplied the money to buy it.
In 1964 Revival in Winnipeg, MB, Fred Solbrekken had
this sign made for his brother. It is still used today to point
the way to the annual New Sarepta, AB July 1st Crusade
The House of Prayer Highway 623 south of New Sarepta, AB
located 5 min. east of Highway 21. The 2013 Camp Meeting
June 28-July 1. Bring trailers, campers. Near Miquelon Lake
Max & Donna Solbrekken in a wheat field (2005) west
of Norquay SK, near the farm where Max grew up.
Hundreds of thousands of precious souls have reached out
to Jesus Christ during the past 50 years as God's Servant
Max Solbrekken and his precious wife Donna, have toiled
non-stop for their Saviour Jesus Christ across the world!
In 2007, after successful crusades in Sudan including Darfur,
Egypt and Norway, everything changed! God said: "Buy it!"
God led Max & Donna to use the money in the Mission Fund
of SEA to purchase an old Jewish Synagogue in an area many
were afraid to park their vehicles at because of Drug dealing,
killings, thievery, pimps, prostitution, alcoholism and only a
block away from the notorious 20th Street of Saskatoon, SK.
Two buildings renovated, a New Front added and now with
Tim Horton's and the Giant Tiger Store across the street, it
has become a Safe Area. We are now ready for the move of
the Holy Spirit in Riversdale. By God's grace, it shall not be
called, 'The Hood' any longer. It truly is a Mission Field on
the Canadian Prairie. Please pray for us and the wonderful
people who worship regularly with us and that God will send
us more people to help us bring in a harvest of lost souls in
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Anyone who wishes to contribute
time in prayer, door to door visitation or finances, please
contact us at [email protected] or 306-477-0200. God bless!
- Max & Donna Solbrekken
Max & Donna at Tim Horton's across from Christ the Healer
Gospel Church 137 Ave F S Saskatoon, SK 306-477-0200
Pastor Max conducted a Divine Healing Crusade in Norway
each evening, before ministering 2 - 3 hours on Direct TV
across Europe on Visjon Norge TV June, 2011
Max Solbrekken with Jan Hanvold of Visjon Norge
TV reaching Scandinavia & Europe with the powerful
Message of Christ Crucified, Risen & Coming, 2011
September, 2011 Max Solbrekken Unity Gospel Crusade
begins with Kampala Police Band led by motor cyclists
Kampala Police Band leading the way to the
Park where the 2011 Gospel Unity Crusade was held
Witnesses for Jesus by the hundreds turned out to let people
know that we are serious about our faith in Jesus Christ
Due to the Islamic Suicide Bombings that occurred in Kampala
July 10, 2010 & July 11, 2010, large meetings were not allowed
until our Crusade Sept, 2011. Seventy four people were killed
and another seventy injured during those two suicide bombings.
Security was so tight that they had to screen attendants. Police
with rifles were near the periphery of the grounds at all times!
Historic Dedication services with Hon Dr James Shinyabulo-
Nutende Cabinet Minister of Ugandan Government
Pastor Max preaches the Gospel and a number receive Jesus
Christ as Lord and Saviour and Divine Healer
People from Neighbouring farms and villages made a decision
to receive Jesus Christ as Lord at the Official ceremonies!

We've got clean water for all the orphans, women and workers
on the Gospel Experimental Farm founded by Peterson Sozi
of Kampala, Uganda. Hallelujah
The Church leads the way in learning new techniques in
producing foods to feed the hungry & exporting to others
To God be the glory Another miracle. A Home for single
mothers, orphans and a farm to grow organic food
The entire farm and all the buildings were blessed. The
blessing keeps coming and they now have clean, safe water.
The Hon. Doctor James meets the Preacher, Pastor Max
Peterson Sozi & Max Solbrekken blanket the Nation of
Uganda with TV messages in 2011 Unity Gospel Crusade
Peterson Sozi & Max Solbrekken reach Uganda by radio
during 2011 Kampala Unity Gospel Crusade
Pastor Max & Pastor Peterson Sozi preaching the Gospel
of Jesus Christ with great fire & power in Kampala Uganda
Gospel Crusade Sept 2011.
Young, middle-aged and older people streamed forward
night after night to receive Christ despite the rain, mud &
unseasonably wet weather at 2011 Unity Crusade.
Night after night the altars were filled with young people,
despite unseasonable heavy rainfall. People came through
the mud to meet with Jesus Christ in this predominantly
Roman Catholic District, near the Muslim Area, 2011.
Nothing could stop the Crusade; heavy rains, security
measures, having to move to difficult area. God gave us
many precious souls for His glory in 2011 Kampala Crusade
An altar call in Kampala Uganda 2011 Gospel Unity Crusade
Pastor Max & Jan Hanvold, Founder & President of
Visjon Norge TV that blankets Europe, meet in Uganda at
2011 Minister's Conference. Ron Peters in background
The Minister's conference: A Time of Challenge,
Dedication, Consecration, Holy Spirit infilling & Prayer
Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness
and they shall be filled: That is what we all desperately need
Jan Hanvold from Visjon Norge TV preaches with great
unction in Preachers Conference 2011 Kampala Crusade
Pastor Dan McLean delivers a powerfully anointed Message
to the Preachers at the Minister's Conference in Kampala
After Pastor Max Solbrekken's message titled, 'The Battle
of the Ages' there were no dry eyes. Everyone were on
their knees for a long time. A Preacher said, "The Ministers
of Kampala will never be the same". That is what
Minister's Conventions are all about.!
Pastor Max doing what the Bible teaches, laying his hands
on the sick and praying the prayer of faith for them. The
powerfully anointed pastor, Dan McLean prays with him.
Canadian Team: Dan McLean, Dave Sollid & Ron Peters
together with God's Servant Pastor Max Solbrekken at
2011 Kampala, Uganda Unity Gospel Crusade, 2011
More than 5,000 gathered for a Baptismal Service
in a secluded area of Ukraine, USSR in 1989
Old Fashoioned Bible Camp, Sandy Breach, AB 1970-1983
Baptismal Service at Sandy Beach Old Fashioned Bible Camp
Alberta in 1980s. Hundreds were baptized unto the Lord Jesus
from 1970 until 1983 during Summer Camp Meetings!
Eric & Dorothy Jean Alook with Pastor Max Solbrekken at
Christ the Healer Gospel Church, Saskatoon, SK in 2009.
Eric is a Gospel Tent Evangelist among Canada's Indians.
In 1971, Dorothy Jean and Eric were living Common- Law.
She developed deadly breast Cancer and Eric was drinking
excessively. Dorothy Jean, a Roman Catholic was brought
to Max Solbrekken's High Prairie, AB Crusade and was
miraculously Healed and Born Again. Eric had left for a 3-
day-drunk. When he returned he found Dorothy Jean well
and the Cancer gone. Not long after, Eric gave his life to
Christ. The Miracle of God still stands after 43 years!
Ruth & Emile Emmanuel, San Fernando, Philippines, 2008.
As a little girl,Ruth was brought to our Children's Home in
Kalingo Apio where we cared for her until and through High
School. We also paid her way through College and now she is
a successful Professor. Her husband Emile is an expert on
cross breeding animals and is in great demand in Mid-East
countries. Helen Webb sponsored her until she finished her
High School and Dorothy Tanasiuk paid for her College
Education. I had not seen her since 1973. Thanks to Jesus!
Pastor Max praying for the sick in Phippines Crusade 2008
Dr. Max speaks at International Diamond Anniversary
Celebration of IAFB at San Fernando, Philippines
Dr. Max Speaking at 2008 Graduation, San Fernando
Rev. Rick Defontorum, Dr Mitchell Kanakoa, Dr. Max
Solbrekken at 2008 IAFB Conference, Philippines
The Holy Spirit's power was present as Pastor Max & Dr.
David Perreira joined forces to defeat the Devil in 2008
Portugal Crusade Services
Pastor Hudson Silva, Dr. Max Solbrekken and Dr. David
Pereira in 2008 Lisbon, Portugal Crusade
Pastor Max praying for the people in 2008 Portugal Crusade
What a privilege to carry the Gospel of Jesus Christ
to the confused, fearful & tormented Muslims in Sudan
Jan Ernst Gabrielsen from Norway is the Grandfather of
the Pentecostal Movement in Sudan. As a Missionary in
Kenya in the 1970s, Jan befriended Colonial Benjamin who
had fled the brutal Islamic State because of their abusive
Sharia Law. In 1976 Jan and Benjamin entered Sudan and
started a house church. In 1996 I interviewed Jan Ernst on
Norwegian TV in Oslo. He stated: "Colonial Benjamin has
contacted me after 20 years & informed me that there are
now 276 Pentecostal Churches in SUDAN of which he is
the Father and I am the Grandfather." In 2006 Jan and I
joined with Pentecostals from the North and South for the
first time in history in Juba where the Constitution of the
Pentecostal Movement was drafted. I delivered the first
and the last messages, as well as video taped the entire
proceedings and wrote the history of the Conference.
There are now well over 400 churches in Sudan. Jan and I
also broke through in Nyala, Darfur in 2006 & 2007. The
Norwegians led the way much like Leif Eriksson and the
Vikings who discovered America in about 1,000 A.D.
- Pastor Max Solbrekken
In 2006 & 2007, Max Solbrekken & Jan Ernst Gabrielsen
had Crusades in Juba, Khartoum, Sudan & Nyala, Darfur
Assembly of God Church in Khartoum, 2006
Minister's Conference in Khartoum, Sudan 2007
Khartoum, Sudan Crusade, 2007
Minister's Conference, Khartoum Sudan, 2007
Holy Spirit Fire and Power on yielded vessels
What a joy to work with Jan Ernst Gabrielsen, Grandfather
of Sudan Pentecostal Movement, Norwegian Missionary to
Kenya Lief Erik Nielsen and Big John, Pentecostal Pastor
of Assembly of God Church in Khartoum, 2007
Powerful interpreters helped Max Solbrekken
deliver God's Word with clarity and anointing, 2007
Pastors drink in God's Word in Pentecostal Conference
Tears streamed down many faces of Pentecostal Ministers
as they took God's Word seriously in Muslim Sudan, 2007
One of the crusades held in Sudan, 2007
Heart hunger for Christ and His Gospel caused many to
come to Jesus Christ for salvation and Divine Healing, 2007
Powerful Crusade in Nyala, Darfur 2007
Marvellous things happened in the 2006 & 2007 Seminars,
Conventions and Crusades in Sudan and Darfur. Labouring
with Jan Ernst Gabrielsen was a rewarding experience!
One third of Sudan`s population are in Refugee Camps
in Darfur and other locations across the nation (2007)
Jan Ernst Gabrielsen from Norway & Max Solbrekken from
Canada pose with some fishermen in Khartoum, Sudan
Pastor Jan Ernst Gabrirelsen & Pastor Max Solbrekken
with some of the fine Pentecostal pastors in Sudan (2006)
First Minister's Conference in Nyala,
Darfur, November 2006
- Pastor Jan Ernst Gabrielsen
Dr. Emile Boutros Boktor interprets Dr. Max Solbrekken
at Assembly of God Church Cairo Egypt - 2007
Revival Fire with God's power (2007)
Assembly of God Church, Cairo Egypt
Max Solbrekken preaches the Gospel in Timisoara, Romamia
Max Solbrekken & Interpreter ministering at four Brazil
Assembly of God Conventions. In 2004 & 2005 Pastor Max
addressed ca. 10,000 Preachers in 4 different Conventions
Max Solbrekken & Nelson Aprigio declaring God's Word to
300,000 people at Plaza Brasil, Paulinia S.P. April 13, 2005
4,000 buses brought 200,000 people to Assemblies of
God Crusade at Plaza Brasil Paulinia S.P. April 13, 2005
has six million members. All glory & praise to Jesus

Dr. Max Solbrekken & Dr. Manoel Ferriera meet
again in 2004 after 17 years. Multitudes were blessed.

Great Revivals all across Brazil 2004 & 2005 for God's glory!

Pastor Max Solbrekken Crusade following the
August 7, 1998 Muslim Terrorist Bombings of the US
Embassy in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Africa
Max Solbrekken & Dr. Nick Kritsnitzky using two
interpreters in a large City Paek in Taipai, Taiwan, 1999
Solbrekken with much love and friendship
in Taipai, Taiwan, 1999
Outstanding healing & great blessing flowed in Pastor Max Solbrekken's Meetings with
Dr.Nicolas Krushnitzky in Taipai, Taiwan,
1999. To God be the glory!

Canadian Preacher Dr. Max Solbrekken in
Chernobyl, Ukraine, 1992. He also preached
in Slavutich, 40 kil. from the Reactor
Max Solbrekken Gospel Crusade in the
Summer Palace at Chernigov, Ukraine in 1992
Max Solbrekken Crusade in Sofia, Bulgaria, 1992
Max Solbrekken Crusade Truskevich, Ukraine 1992
brought hundreds of precious souls to Jesus Christ
Max Solbrekken Crusade in Sofia, Bulgaria, 1992
Max Solbrekken Crusade Truskevich, Ukraine 1992
brought hundreds of precious souls to Jesus Christ
Max Solbrekken preaches in the Soviet Union in 1989
Contamination cloud hung over Goienia, Brazil during Max
Solbrekken's 1987 Crusade. After prayer the cloud dispersed!
Dr. Max Solbrekken & Dr Manoel Ferrirra stand in front
Masses of hungry souls receiving Jesus Christ
as Saviour in Max Solbrekken's 1986
Amedevad Gujarat, India
Max Solbrekken preached in (during 1986 Civil War) San
Salvador in El Salavador. Above - alter call time. God
stretched out His hand with Signs, Wonders & Miracles
Max Solbrekken's May, 1978 Cordova Argentina Crusade
was the start of the great Revivals that followed after. The
nation was under Military rule. All evangelism had stopped.
Louis Palau had left and Omar Cabrara was forced to leave
as his name had been found on a REBEL hit List. He made
plans with Pastor Max for a Crusade in Paraguay, but God
showed the Canadian Crusader that Omar Cabrara should
return to Argentina. After much urging, Omar changed his
mind & the rest is history. The Crusade began with 6,000
people in the Football Park and ended with 48,000. It was
a Sovereign Move of God. Thousands were converted, the
City was stirred and outstanding miracles of healing took
place in every service. Many Roman Catholics attended!
Dr. Omar & Marfa Cabrera were
used of God to awaken Argentina!
On the closing day of the Crusade - May 15, 1978 - Dr.
Omar Cabrera announced that we would be returning in
two weeks & 17,000 attended his first meeting. Within 18
months, his Congregation numbered 9,000 members and
hundreds of pastors working with them across Argentina.
In 1980 Omar Cabrara and Max Solbrekken conducted
a crusade in Sante Fe where God performed a staggering
miracle on a little boy born without urethers. After seeing
x-rays of the new urethers, the Roman Catholic Radio
Station and Weekly Magazine interviewed Omar & Marfa
Cabrera together with Max Solbrekken and Julio Diaz's
parents, saying, "This Miracle of God too great to keep
only among the Evangelicals. Everyone must know what
God has done."
"During the Crusade I asked Omar to contact the leaders
of the Junta. They agreed to meet with us and after being
introduced, I brought greetings from Canada and then I
preached for about 15 to 20 minutes about God and the
Devil, Heaven and Hell, Sin and Salvation, the Blood of
Christ, the Cross and the Empty tomb. They were almost
sweating bullets, and that is what I wanted! The Leading
Colonial said, "What is it you want from us?" I answered,
& DR VACCARRO!" He said, 'OK. What else?" I said,
"Get down on your knees and REPENT." They looked
shocked! OMAR burst into a big laugh. I smiled & they
relaxed. Then I said, "I would like to pray for you and
families." They answered, "Yes, please do!" I prayed
God's blessings upon them in Jesus' precious Name!
In 1976 Pastor Max Solbrekken preached in South Africa
Crusades in Durban, Port Elizabeth & Jo/burg
In 1974 Pastor Max Solbrekken preached in Chatsworth
South Africa among the Indian Population. God moved
mightily with great Miracles as thousands attended
15-year-old boy had been insane for 5 years and tied with a rope for his own safety. He was brought to the Crusade
by a neighbour and miraculously brought back to sanity
during Max Solbrekken's healing prayer in 1973
Crusade at Du Valier Stadium Port au Prince, Haiti
Max Solbrekken's 1973 Crusade drew great crowds to the
Du Valier Stadium, Port au Prince, Haiti. Outstanding
miracles from the hands of Jesus occurred in every
service and thousands responded to the altar calls
Enroute to India, Max Solbrekken at Saigon Airport
South Vietnam after 1972 Viet Cong attack.
Max Solbrekken`s 1972 Gospel Crusade in Madras India
brought great glory to God as multitudes responded to the
clarion call to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord
We prayed and God sent His Servant stated the Pentecostal
Pastors and Evangelical Ministers of Trinidad & Tobago.
Multitudes were swept into the Kingdom of God during the
1968 Crusade & other Crusades well into the 1980s.
Pastor Max Solbrekken in action in a great altar service
at the Morvant Gospel Crusade 1968
Max Solbrekken's 1968 Morvant Trinidad Crusade touched
thousands. US Missionary LeRoy Lebeck exhorting the people
The Norwegian Media covered the Max Solbrekken
Crusades extensively & wrote of Christ's Miracles which
were numerous. 1968 Revival for 3 1/2 months nationwide
Hedmark Toppen, Norway. Interpreter is Oddvar Tegnander
In 1968 Max Solbrekken preached for more than 3 months
across Norway with great revivals and miracle healing.
Above - Camp Meeting at Saron`s Dal in Kvinesdal
We give Glory to God the Holy Spirit for
drawing precious souls to Christ in 1967
Crusade, Victoria Composite High School

Max Solbrekken at the Empty Tomb at Jerusalem
1966 after 3 Months World Crusade for Jesus
Sadhu Vandenam interprets Max Solbrekken in
history making 1966 Crusade, Guntur A.P. India
In 1966, while driving across India to a Crusade
Lawson Barbour, Thomas Tutyko & Max Solbrekken
met a Band of Gypsies and preached the Gospel to them
First Crusade in Freedom Park, Guntur A.P India, 1966
In 1966 Max Solbrekken preaches to newly converted
Head hunters in Tabuk, N. Luzon Philppines
1964 Edmonton Tent Crusade stirs the City
Max Solbrekken makes enormous breakthrough in
1964 Edmonton 3-Week Tent Crusade
Max Solbrekken's brother Fred donated the above Sign for
the 1964 Winnipeg Crusade, which is still used to point folks
to June 28 - July 1, 2013 New Sarepta, AB Camp Meeting
Max & Fred Solbrekken in Edmonton, AB 1952
Pastor Max Solbrekken preaching to his international Radio audience from Trinidad West Indies in 1975

Pastor Peterson Sozi interpreting for Donna
Solbrekken Kampala, Uganda Crusade, 1994

Great miracles of healing happened in 1992
Fernando, Philippines Crusade. Rev. Ramboa

Max Solbrekken's Russian & Ukrainian
Crusade Poster 1989-1995

From 1989 - 1995 Max Solbrekken preached
with great success & God's blessings. Above,
Pastor Max Solbrekken in Lutsk with his good
friend Bishop Veremchuk of the Pentecostal
Union Churches in Ukraine
Pastor Max Solbrekken 2011 Unity Gospel
Crusade Kampala Uganda. Interpreter,
Presbyterian Pastor Peterson Sozi

Pastor Max & Joseph Desreveres, Du Valier Stadium
Port au Prince, Haiti. David Minor in background, 1973

Rev. Max Solbrekken and His Grace Monsignor
Michael Gunzi Archbishop of the Roman Catholic
Church of Malta on Dec.6, 1973. The Canadian
Evangelist - at the advice of Prime Minister Dom
Mintoff - was invited to the Archbishop's
After sharing the Word of God for about 20
minutes and answering the Archbishop's
questions under the anointing of the Holy Spirit,
he warmly extended his hand and said,"I wish
you the best success in your ministry of
preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the
people of Malta."
And so ended 1,000 years of Roman Catholic
Rule over all the people of Malta. The law had
been put in place by the Knights of Malta 1000
years earlier to keep out the Muslims. Pastor
Max Solbrekken had the privilege of leading
the Chief of Police for Valletta, Enoch Tonna, to
Christ as well as to pray for the Head Pastor of
the large Roman Catholic Cathedral in Valletta,

Enoch Tonna later became Head of Malta's National Police
Force. The Pastor & the Policeman stayed in contact.

Pastor Max Solbrekken praying with the Leading Priest
of Roman Catholic Cathedral, Valletta, Malta, 1973
After our visit to His Grace Archbishop Michael Gunzi
everything changed. We were able to carry a weekly
religious column in the Maltese Times and the 1000
J. W's were no longer jailed for spreading their
teachings. And the Gospel was freely proclaimed by
Protestants and Evangelicals. Hallelujah!
Dr. Max Solbrekken states: "As much
as I hate the false, spurious teachings of the
Muslims, Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons,
whom I helped to get into that country, God
in His great mercy used His humble servant
to open the 'Door of Malta' for the true Gospel
to enter the hearts and minds of that people.
NOW there are many Evangelical Churches
in Malta. And the Blood of JESUS CHRIST
of NAZARETH that was shed for all the world
PREVAILS against all the HOSTS OF HELL.
Amen.!!! To God be all the praise, honour and
Glory! He, "doeth all things well." - Mark 7: 37
A Special Thank You to Rev. David Wulff,
Chaplain to Norwegian Sailors, for making
the application for me to preach - which
was rejected - and for speaking to Prime
Minister Dom Mintoff which opened the door
for my invitation to meet the Archbishop. Oh
how great is our God.! Praise Him!
St. Paul Led the Way: Let us
follow in his footsteps as he
followed our Lord Jesus Christ!
inmates at Jelgava Prison in Latvia, 1992
Intl. in Brazil with Max & Donna Solbrekken,
2004. Dario said, "All the preachers are asking:
"Who is Donna? What is her special gifting? I now
know: She is your Secret Weapon!" And I answered
"You've got that right, Dario!" - Max Solbrekken
Fanny (Francis) Jane Crosby 1820-1915 wrote this
beautiful song, 'All the way My Savior Leads Me'
All the way my Savior leads me;
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His tender mercy,
Who thro' life has been my guide?
Heav'nly peace divinest comfort,
Here by faith in Him to dwell!
For I know whate'er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well;
For I know whate'er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well;
ST. MARK 7:31- 8:10
Your Servant for Jesus Sake,