Friday, March 22, 2013

Theological Institute of 
Divine Healing & Compassion
  theological_institute_of_[email protected]
Pastor Max Solbrekken expounding God's Holy Word
to the multitudes, as well as the few. He says: "I can't
keep quiet. The Holy Spirit wants everyone to Know
 Jesus Christ, the World's Only Saviour!"- photo 2013
The 'Theological Institute of Divine Healing and Compassion' will shortly begin carrying Pastor Max Solbrekken's powerful sermons, articles and essays related to everyday living with the assistance of the Blessed Holy Spirit, Divine Paraclete, the One sent alongside to help!
Max Solbrekken Says
"Supernatural Life is attainable only through the merits of Jesus Christ's vicarious, efficacious, redemptive work on Calvary's Cross and glorious resurrection from the dead!"
Max Solbrekken Says:
"The 'Logos of the Cross' is the Word of God about the cross, not the wooden cross He died upon, but what happened on that cursed tree when Jesus Christ of Nazareth (God incarnate) met the demands of Divine Justice and through His vicarious death became the propitiation for the sins of the entire world - past, present and future -  satisfying Almighty God. 

"The shed blood of Jesus poured out for us on Calvary paid the penalty for sinning mankind, thereby destroying the sin and saving the sinner. On the Cross Jesus Christ reached up to God His Father with one hand and reached down to sinful humanity with the other, bringing God and man together on the Cross. That is the meaning of the 'Logos of the Cross'!"
Max Solbrekken says:
"One with God is a majority. Many great men have tried to destroy Israel and are gone. If you mess with God, you are in huge trouble and a very big loser. No-one has been able to con Him!"
Max Solbrekken says:
“By taking the High Road to Victory through the all-atoning Blood of  the Lamb and the Word of God in our testimony and by casting all our cares upon Him, we are shifting our heavy load  onto Him who carried those burdens to the Old rugged cross for us.

“Fear, pain, sickness and lack, together with testing, trials, infirmities and persecution  are only stepping stones in our walk of faith and march toward victory. Every obstacle is but an opportunity to demonstrate the love of God, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the awesome overcoming power of His great and glorious Gospel.”