Thursday, August 26, 2010

God’s Miracle in My Stomach has Lasted for 40 Years!

John Odgers
I was very sick when we drove onto the grounds of the Old fashioned Bible Camp at Sandy Beach, AB in the month of July 1970.
For 10 years I had not been able to eat without the most terrible pains.  The doctors told me that there was nothing they could do for me. My stomach was full of ulcerated sores.
They would have to remove two thirds of my stomach by surgery, but they said that I was too old and the operation would be too risky for me!
I had heard about the miracles that were happening under the ministry of  Max Solbrekken as he preached the Gospel and lifted up the name of Jesus Christ as Saviour, Healer and Deliverer.
I knew that I had to get a miracle soon as my health was seriously affected; I could not go on living like that, unable to eat and having such terrible pains!
When we got into the tabernacle, the meeting was on fire with God's presence and power!
Pastor Max delivered a powerfully anointed message of God’s hatred for sin and sickness and His redemptive work through Jesus Christ on the Cross! His preaching got deep into my spirit and the altar was filled with seeking souls, repenting and crying out to God for mercy!
He kept on exalting the Name of Jesus Christ and His holy and precious blood that was shed for us all on Calvary! You could actually feel the cleansing of Jesus precious blood as the Holy Spirit applied it to our entire beings.   A lot of people were getting right with God and many received miracles of healing!
I knew that I would be healed when God’s servant laid his hands on me in Jesus’ Name! Pastor Max put one hand on my head and the other on my stomach and prayed a strong prayer in Jesus’ name. Immediately, I sensed the presence of God and I knew I was healed!
After the service I went over to dining room where Max’s wife Donna had prepared a lot of nice, juicy hamburgers. I ordered a big hamburger and ate it with no ill affects. Then I ordered another one and I’ve been eating them ever since! That was 40 years ago and I’ve been well ever since and can still eat anything I want at 87 years of age!
I am a carpenter by trade and after God healed me, I built the Pentecostal Church in Cold Lake where I was living at the time! My entire family has always enjoyed being in Max Solbrekken’s meetings whenever we could get to them and now that Pastor Max is in Saskatoon we go to Christ the Healer Gospel Church.
I will ever be grateful to our Lord Jesus Christ for His precious blood and that, “by His stripes we are healed” from all sin and sickness! (Isa. 53: 4-6; Ps. 103: 1-6) Praise the Lord!