Thursday, September 16, 2021



By Pastor Max Solbrekken, D.D.

 “One of the consequences of this is there will be people who become hopelessly addicted to gambling.” -  Ontario Court Judge Paul Belanger      

Toronto Public Health and the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) compiled research on the health impacts of problem gambling and found evidence of increased risk among problem gamblers of fatigue and sleep problems; chronic bronchitis; fibromyalgia; mood, anxiety and personality disorders; and alcohol, tobacco and drug use. They also found evidence of how financial problems contribute to poorer health for families and communities and increase the likelihood of family breakdown and divorce. Problem gambling also contributes to child development problems, neglect, and poverty.’’ - Steve Barnes, Wellesley Institute, 2013.

I am angry with righteous indignation against our Federal, Provincial and Municipal Governments that have passed laws legalizing gambling in our nation. I am against laws that facilitate this corrupt, destructive, and sinful lifestyle! And I pray that God will have mercy on their souls on the ‘Day of Judgment’!

Several years ago, I had the privilege of praying for a very disturbed man and his distraught wife in the city of Saskatoon. They answered an altar call in repentance and faith to be freed from the powers of sin and Satan at ‘Christ the Healer Gospel Church’.


Weeping uncontrollably, both the husband and wife related the sad story of the tragedy of losing their home due to the husband’s addiction to gambling! In their middle age, they had to scrounge off a daughter and son-in-law and live in crowded quarters, causing continual arguments and friction between the extended family of parents, children, and grandparents!

That is only a little of the evil fruit that GAMBLING brings to our society. In 2004, I wrote the following column dealing with unjust and corrupt laws in our nation:

Our faith in Ontario judges who recently defied the will of the Canadian people and the Canadian Parliament that was badly shaken, is recovering by the common sense statement of Judge Paul Belanger regarding the responsibility governments have in the creation of gambling addicts!

 Peter Warren on the Korus Radio Network read a most interesting letter on his July 5, 2003 show from Irene Penner of North Vancouver, B.C., in which she outlined some of the filthy, unhealthy and abhorrent aspects of the homosexual lifestyle which were not addressed by some of his guests on a previous program.

Then, she dropped a bombshell. She questioned whether members of Parliament, clergy and those in the media who lobby for same-sex marriage and who promote the sordid lifestyle of the homosexual community, advocating that it is not dangerous to a person’s health and well-being, could be liable in possible court cases by gullible young people who have had their lives ruined psychologically, mentally and physically by getting into a lifestyle which they realized too late had harmed them!

She closed her letter with these words: “Remember the lawsuits against the tobacco companies!”

Peter Warren is no fool and I’m sure that by reading her letter, he was protecting himself and the KORUS RADIO against any future lawsuits by disgruntled homosexuals, who may claim that they were influenced by the Media who knowingly or unknowingly promoted a lifestyle that contributed to their death sentence from AIDS, Hepatitis C or inability to procreate due to syphilis or other STPs!

Future lawsuits could charge that their case of DEPRESSION is due to the perverted lifestyle promoted by liberal clergymen or Members of Parliament or Media Columnists or Networks!


People sometimes change their minds about things when they see the injury wrought by their previous actions. Take the example, the chief plaintiff Norma McCorvey (Jane Rowe) in the U.S. Supreme Court case Rowe vs. Wade that legalized abortion in that country, who recently sought unsuccessfully to overturn that landmark decision cited, but was totally rejected. She had become a pawn in the hands of the feminists and used only to gain their objectives! 

She repented of her sins and received Jesus Christ as her Saviour. Norma tried unsuccessfully to change the law but was unable to do so.

Also Bill Murray, whom his mother Madeline Murray O’Hair - used in another landmark, to get the Bibles out of School classrooms in America – when he saw the damage done by his mother’s actions and realizing how atheism had destroyed their lives, received Jesus Christ into his heart and became a fiery evangelist who often publicly opposed his mother and her atheist organization!

He visited our Church in Edmonton and appeared with me on our ‘Night Watch’ Radio talk program. He expressed great sorrow in what they had done and the harmful fruit of that action!

Think of what will happen when hundreds of Gambling Addicts begin to sue various governments who have been aiding, abetting, enabling, and promoting the unhealthy “disease” of gambling!


And when disgruntled Aids - diseased homosexuals and their depressed ‘adopted children’ discover lawyers anxious to take their multi-million-dollar lawsuit against enablers like governments, judges, and clergy who gave their blessing and others who encouraged that abnormal lifestyle!

If you think this is far fetched, think again! Remember the Roman Catholic homosexual priests who sexually molested thousands of little altar boys in the USA and Canada, and numerous Indian boys in the Residential schools.

How dearly that church and other churches, as well as taxpayers, have paid and are paying for their sinful lifestyles! 

When the bombshell decision of the Ontario Supreme Court creating a new definition of marriage it so inspired our the Liberal Government decided in a secret meeting to share this hybrid union with all Canadians!

According to the Babylon Talmud (B.C. 1,000), the only time in the world's history that men were given in marriage to men and women were given in marriage to women was during the Days of Noah. 

That was just before the Flood came and destroyed everyone, except Noah and his family! Should we then not be concerned and take our nation's business before the Lord in continuous and fervent prayer? The answer is, “Yes.”

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. 

 "And the second is like unto it. Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments, hang all the law and the prophets. “ (Matt. 22: 37-40). Amen.