Is this the real reason Obama returned that Churchill bust?

There’s one specific artifact — and one particular person — in the White House that seems to have caused some discomfort in the Obama administration. You might recall the bust of Winston Churchill, which was given on loan from the British government to the White House after the September 11th attacks back in 2001, where it remained for the rest of George W. Bush’s tenure as president, according to Eagle Rising. The British offered to extend the loan of Churchill’s bust for Barack Obama’s presidency, as well. But Obama refused. So the sculpture was returned to the custody of the United Kingdom and now finds its home at the British Ambassador’s Residence.
There is one more bust of Churchill that remains in the White House – this one is displayed outside The Treaty Room, but there’s little chance Obama will be hanging out there, considering he has little interest in actually discussing treaties with Congress.
Nonetheless, it is perhaps this quote from Winston Churchill that makes him less than welcome in the White House:
After all, it was Barack Obama who said, “the future must not belong to slander the prophet of Islam.”
However, there is another Churchill quote which Obama best heed: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile, hoping it will eat him last.”